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Valley Region

Projects A-L

Notice of Determination

Bloomington Business Park Specific Plan Final Draft EIR

Bloomington Business Park Specific Plan Final Draft– updated 9/15/2022

Notice of Availability Extension (English)

Notice of Availability Extension (Spanish)

Notice of Preparation 

Spanish: Aviso de Preparación    

Bloomington Business Park Specific Plan CEQA Scoping Meeting Presentation   

Notice of Completion and Availability

Notice of Availability- English

Notice of Availability- Spanish

Draft Bloomington Business Park Specific Plan


Draft Environmental Impact Report

Appendix A- NOP and NOP Comments

Appendix B- LESA Model Memo and Worksheets

Appendix C1- Air Quality Report

Appendix C2- Health Risk Assessment  Report  

Appendix C3- GHG Report

Appendix C4- EA Report

Appendix C5- AQ, GHG, and EA Memo

Appendix D1- Biological Resources Assessment

Appendix D2- Habitat Assessment

Appendix E- Cultural Resources Assessment

Appendix F- Paleontological Resources Report

Appendix G1- Geological Hazards Letter

Appendix G2- Geologic Hazards Letter Addendum

Appendix G3- Site 1 Feasibility Study

Appendix G4- Site 2 Feasibility Study

Appendix G5- Sites 3 and 4 Feasibility Study

Appendix H1- Desktop Review Phase 1

Appendix H2- Site 1 Phase 1

Appendix H3- Site 2 Phase 1

Appendix H4- Site 3 Phase 1

Appendix H5- Site 4 Phase 1

Appendix H6 Limited Phase II

Appendix I1a- Site 1 WQMP

Appendix I1b – Site 1 Hydro Report

Appendix I2a- Site 2 WQMP

Appendix I2b- Site 2 Hydro Report

Appendix I3a- Site 3 WQMP

Appendix I3b- Site 3 Hydro Report

Appendix I4a- Site 4 WQMP

Appendix I4b- Site 4 Hydro Report

Appendix I5- Water Supply Assessment

Appendix J1- Noise Study

Appendix J2- Noise Upzone Memo

Appendix K1- Traffic Impact Assessment

Appendix K2- VMT Analysis

Appendix L- Service Letter Response 




Projects M-Z

Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)

Appendix A – Notice of Preparation and Written Comments

Appendix B – Air Quality Impact Analisys

Appendix C – Mobile Source Health Risk Assessment (HRA)

Appendix D – Biological Resources Report

Appendix E – Cultural Resources Study

Appendix F – Energy Analysis

Appendix G – Geotechnical Investigation

Appendix H – Paleo Assessment

Appendix I – Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Analysis

Appendix J – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Appendix K – Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Appendix L – Preliminary Drainage Report

Appendix M – Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP)

Appendix N – Noise Study

Appendix O – Vehicle Mile Traveled (VMT) Analysis

Appendix P – Trip Generation Assessment

Notice of Availability (NOA)

Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

Appendix A – Comments Received

Appendix B – Air Quality Impact Analisys

Appendix C – Mobile Source Health Risk Assessment (HRA)

Appendix D – Biological Resources Report

Appendix E – Cultural Resources Study

Appendix F – Energy Analysis

Appendix G – Geotechnical Investigation

Appendix H – Paleo Assessment

Appendix I – Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Analysis

Appendix J – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Appendix K – Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Appendix L – Preliminary Drainage Report

Appendix M – Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP)

Appendix N – Noise Study

Appendix O – Vehicle Mile Traveled (VMT) Analysis

Appendix P – Trip Generation Assessment

Notice of Preparation

Site Plan