Development Code
The San Bernardino County Development Code implements the goals and policies of the General Plan by regulating land uses within the unincorporated areas of the County. Each piece of property is within a “zone” or “land use district” which describes the rules under which that land may be used. These districts, such as “RS” for single-family residential or “CG” for general commercial, generally cover the range of uses allowable within the land use district. The Code also establishes specific development standards for each district and the procedures to follow in order to approve a particular use.
If you have a specific section number you need to find in the document, you need to know the numbering system implemented for County Code sections. By referring to the section number, you know the numbers for the correct Title, Division, Chapter and Section of the County Code. Below is an example of section number.
Example: 84.01.010 means Title 8, Division 4, Chapter 84.01, Section 10.

Access the Development Code.
Development Code Amendments and Ordinances
The Development Code may be amended by the adoption of an ordinance by the Board of Supervisors. If you need replacement pages for your copy of the Development Code that incorporate recently adopted ordinances, click on the link below. The entire Development Code was readopted on March 13, 2007 and became effective on April 12, 2007.
Development Code Amendment Date June 7, 2007
Development Code Amendment Date February 28, 2008
Development Code Amendment Date October 23, 2008
Development Code Amendment Date January 15, 2009
Development Code Amendment Date August 20, 2009
Development Code Amendment Date March 25, 2010
Development Code Amendment Date September 25, 2010
Development Code Amendment Date March 17, 2011
Development Code Amendment Date May 5, 2011
Development Code Amendment Date January 5, 2012
Development Code Amendment Date April 26, 2012
Development Code Amendment Date July 19, 2012
Development Code Amendment Date August 23, 2012
Development Code Amendment Date December 27, 2012
Development Code Amendment Date July 25, 2013
Development Code Amendment Date April 24, 2014 (Entire Code)
Proposed Ordinances
Environmental Justice Focus Areas (EJFA) Draft Chapter
San Bernardino County Planning Commission is considering a draft ordinance to implement the County’s environmental justice goals and policies. The proposed ordinance (linked above) is being considered as a recommendation item to the Board of Supervisors and was initially presented to the Planning Commission on May 18, 2023 (
The Planning Commission hearing was continued to June 22, 2023.
A non-exhaustive summary of the proposed ordinance includes the following:
- Extended mailing notification of project notice(s), community meeting(s) and/or public hearing(s) of up to 2,640 feet (1/2 mile) from the boundaries of the project site;
- Extended mailing recipients to include property resident(s) and business owner(s) within notification area;
- Required notices to be provided in English and the predominant language spoken by residents in the area;
- On-site posting notification of project details;
- Creation of an interested person mailing list and posting of project details on the County’s website
- Requirement of up to two community meetings;
- Interpreter services to be available for each community meeting(s) and/or public hearing(s);
- Translation of executive summary of draft environmental impact report into predominant non-English language spoken by residents in the area; and
- Prohibition on truck routes and use of local streets for certain purposes.
Should you wish to provide any comments, please send them to the assigned planner (Aron Liang at or the Planning Commission Secretary
Recently Adopted Ordinances
Adopted Ordinance No. 4400 effective April 8, 2021
Commercial Cannabis Activities
Ordinance No. 4309 on Commercial Cannabis Activities
An Ordinance of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, Repealing Section 82.02.070, Repealing Section 810.01.150(r), and adding Chapter 84.34 to Division 4 of Title 8 of the San Bernardino County Code, Related to Commercial Cannabis Activities.
This Ordinance was adopted on August 23, 2016 by the Board of Supervisors and became effective September 22, 2016 .