Be sure you have all the necessary permits before you start work. Permits can be obtained at your local Building and Safety office (listed on last page of document) or via the EZ Online Permitting website located at the link below:
Below is a list of items requiring a permit:
- New Buildings and Structures greater than 120 square feet*
- Roof and Ground Mount Solar Installation
- Patio Covers (Solid and Lattice)
- Enclosed Patios
- Electric Charging Station
- Additions and Alterations
- Pools and Spas
- Carports, Garages and Barns
- Fences/Block Walls over 6 ft. in height
- Retaining Walls over 4 ft. in height, measured from the bottom of footing or any retaining wall supporting a surcharge
- Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Structural Repairs
- Re-roofing
- Temporary structures such as a modular unit, recreational vehicle/trailer
- Onsite Grading (cut & fill) of 100 cubic yards or more
- Demolition
- Erosion Control
- Wall or Monument Signs
- Other types of construction activities, not listed here, may require a permit. All building setbacks must be maintained, whether a permit is required or not. Please contact a representative of the Building and Safety Division by using this contact us form here for any questions or to verify whether a permit will be required for your project.
*Per County Development Code section 84.01.020(b), An accessory structure or use shall always exist in conjunction with, and never without, a legally established primary structure or primary use that has the same common owner. Where the primary use is a residence, it shall not be enclosed within an accessory structure. Where the primary use has not yet been established, an accessory structure may only be built subject to the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit in compliance with Chapter 84.25 (Temporary Structures and Uses).
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Permit Fees
In addition to permit fees, there may be school fees, traffic fees, drainage fees or other fees due in your area. Building and Safety can provide you with information on projects and related fees.
Building & Safety Fees
PLEASE NOTE: Building & Safety fee changes went into effect July 1, 2022.
San Bernardino County Building and Safety fees are primarily comprised of two components, Plan Review fees and Building Permit fees. Both fee components were developed using estimated staff time necessary to perform the respective services, based on a study of three years of plan check and inspection data, instead of being developed using the typical valuation base. The established fees offset the County’s costs to provide enforcement of the California Building Codes, and for services such as plan review and inspections.
Fees paid for plan review include review of initial submittal and one resubmittal for corrections. Additional submittals due to corrections will require additional plan review fees.
To determine Building Fees for a construction project click here.
For the Construction Fee Schedule, click here.
In addition to the above fees, there may be school fees, traffic fees, drainage fees or other fees due in your area. Building and Safety can provide you with information on projects and related fees. Contact Building and Safety for a permit fee quote.
To determine other associated project fees click here or access the Fee Ordinance 4457 [pdf]