General Plan

The Countywide Plan
The Countywide Plan is organized around two main documents, (1) the Policy Plan, and (2) the Business Plan. The Policy Plan serves as the County’s general plan – a blueprint for meeting the County’s long-term vision for the future – but in a much more comprehensive way. The Policy Plan recognizes and differentiates the County’s dual roles of serving as a “municipal” government for County unincorporated areas and as a “regional” government delivering programs, including those mandated or funded by the state and/or the federal government, to the County as a whole. The Business Plan takes an innovative, systems approach to managing the County’s resources with a Governance Element and an Implementation Plan.
The Countywide Plan Has a New Home on the Web
The County has formalized its commitment to go further than any county or city has ever gone by creating a web-based version of the Countywide Plan (adopted in 2020) with interactive and dynamic maps and content that can be searched and filtered across all of its components. Please check out the new Countywide Plan website.
Housing Element
The Housing Element is part of the General Plan that identified the County’s housing conditions and needs, establishes goals, objectives and policies that are the foundation of the County’s housing strategy, programs and actions to implement the Element by accommodating growth, producing an opportunity for the development of new housing units and preserving existing housing stock and must comply with the various requirements of the Housing Element law.
The County recently began the process to update its Housing Element and invites you to join our mailing list to receive notifications on public hearings, availability of draft documents and more. If you would like to receive notifications regarding the Housing Element, subscribe to Housing Element updates.
View the Adopted 5th Cycle 2013-2021 Housing Element of the General Plan.
Additional Resources and Information
2012 San Bernardino County General Plan Annual Report
General Plan Text Amendment dated April 24, 2014
General Plan Text Amendment dated July 18, 2013
General Plan Text Amendment dated May 22, 2012
General Plan Text Amendment dated December 6, 2011
Final Environmental Impact Report related to the 2007 General Plan
Final Environmental impact Report related to the Countywide Plan.