As an accessory use to Residential Property having dogs or cats on the most common Land use Zoning of RS (Single Residential) or RL (Rural Living) the following would apply:

–          If the parcel size is less than 7,200 square feet parcel size, then two (2) combinations of dogs and/or cats are allowed.

–          If the parcel size is 7,200 square feet parcel to 9,999 square feet parcel size, then three (3) combinations of dogs and/or cats are allowed

–          If the parcel size is 10,000 square feet parcel to 19,999 square feet parcel size, then four (4) combinations of dogs and/or cats are allowed.

–          If the parcel size is 20,000 square feet parcel size or more, then five (5) – Five (5) or more dogs and/or cats constitute a private kennel or cattery, which is subject to regulations in Section 84.04.060

For all other Land Use Zoning Designations, Private Kennels and/or Catteries, or Commercial Kennel and/or Catteries on a parcel, please click the link below:
