A Water Quality Management Plan is required if the project falls with the MS4 Phase 1 permit (Santa Ana) boundary as well as the proposed MS4 Phase 2 permit (Mojave) boundary AND is identifiable as one of the following types of projects:
Within the MS4 Phase 1 Permit Area/Santa Ana Watershed boundary the project types that require WQMP’s are as follows:
Within the MS4 Phase 2 Permit Area/Mojave Watershed boundary the project types that require WQMP’s are as follows:
Currently in the MS4 phase 2 area, single-family residence projects that create and/or replace 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface and are not part of a larger plan of development are only required to implement Site Design. For further details, please refer to the PCMP template and guidance. This requirement may change with the adoption of future MS4 permits within this area. Please check your project/permit conditions prior to filling out a template