Application Forms
The following is a list of the applications processed by the Land Use Services Department. For EZOP Applications, please click on the EZOP picture below to be taken to the EZOP Portal. For non-EZOP applications, click on the application title to download and follow the instructions on the coversheet of the application for submittal information. Non-EZOP Applications may be submitted by mail or in person to either the Hesperia or San Bernardino location. Please contact the appropriate Land Use Services division if you have specific questions on these applications. Contact LUS.
The process for review depends on the type of project. Flowchart outlining the entitlement the process.
- An EZOP account is necessary to create a record and submit documents. To register, please access the EZ Online Permitting (EZOP) portal at
- Documents (such as plans, reports, etc.) shall be saved in PDF, CSV, JPG, TIF, TIFF, XLS, or XLSX file format. Maximum file size: 120 MB.
- Check out the Pre-Submittal Guidance Checklist under the Guidance Section on the handouts page.
- If you have questions about your proposal and the application type you need to submit please contact a Duty Planner.
- After you submit an application a Permit Tech will review that all required documents have been uploaded and will invoice you.
- Once payment and all necessary documents have been uploaded the application will be routed to the Planning Division, it will then be assigned to a Planner. The Review of your application by a planner will not begin until after all necessary documents have been uploaded into the application and the full application fee paid.
- The Planner will perform an application completeness and contact you with information on the next step to take.
EZOP Applications
ABC Letter of Public Convenience
Accessory Wind Energy
Agricultural Preservation/Land Conservation Contract and Non-Renewal of Land Conservation Contract
Certificate of Land Use Compliance
Certificate of Subdivision Compliance
Compatibility Determination
Environmental Review Unrelated to a Project
Extension of Time
General Plan and Development Code Interpretation
Landscape Plan
Lot Line Adjustment
Lot Merger
Pre-Application for Development Review
Professional Consultation
Project (e.g. Minor Use Permit, Conditional Use Permit, Tentative Parcel Map, Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Development Code Amendment, and Concurrent Filing of Actual Cost Applications. )
* A variance may be submitted with/as a concurrent filing of any of the aforementioned applications.
Reasonable Accommodation Request
Revision to an Approved Action
Temporary Special Even Permit
Temporary Use Permit
Tree and Plant Removal
Variance (Minor/ Major)
Zoning Certification
Mining EZOP Applications
Transfer of Ownership
Interim Management Plan
Non EZOP Applications
Reversion of Subdivided Land to Acreage
Unlicensed Residential Care Facility Permit
NON EZOP Mining Applications