Violation Explanation

Weeds and grasses must be cut to no more than 4 inches in height throughout the property if less than five vacant/unimproved acres. Note: in the city of Hesperia weeds and grasses must be cut to no more than 4 inches in height 30 feet from any type of structure only.
Combustible (flammable) debris must be completely removed from all areas of your property. This refers to ANY flammable junk, trash or debris that may be on your property, regardless of how it got there. Debris may include, but is not limited to, any paper trash, cardboard boxes, household trash, fabric/clothing, or piles of flammable yard waste.
Tumbleweeds (Russian Thistle) in the spring and early summer appear to be healthy, slightly rounded, green bush. Their appearance changes in the heat of the summer from green to brown. Because of their shallow root system, the wind lifts and carries tumbleweeds, creating highly combustible masses of dried vegetation and causing serious concern for fire. Tumbleweeds must be completely removed from your property.
Junk, trash and refuse without regard to value must be completely removed from your property. This refers to any flammable large scale debris on your property, regardless of its value. These items include, but are not limited to, household furnishings, carpet, building materials etc. Any items on your property that typically do not belong outside or were not intended for outdoor use must be removed.
Any tires, waste or not, must be removed or stored in an enclosed structure. Any tires on your property that are not currently mounted on a vehicle must be removed from your property or completely contained in an enclosed structure such as garage or storage shed
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Weeds and grasses need to be cut to 4” or less, 100 feet around structures and 10 feet from roadsides. This refers to the annual weeds and grasses that grow and dry out each year. Weeds and grasses are a flashy fuel that burn quickly and easily. Flashy fuels are considered ladder fuels which can carry fire into taller fuels around them.
Tree trimmings and brush (in piles) on the ground, branches less than 4” in diameter, and leaves or shrub trimmings must be removed.
Combustible (flammable) debris must be completely removed from all areas of your property. This refers to ANY flammable junk, trash or debris that may be on your property, regardless of how it got there. Debris may include, but is not limited to, any paper trash, cardboard boxes, household trash, fabric/clothing, or piles of flammable yard waste.
Unstacked wood or lumber means accumulations of firewood, lumber, building materials or any similar combustible debris that is not allowed unless neatly stacked and stored as far from any structures as possible. Do not store materials in spaces alongside buildings or beneath decks, eaves, canopies or projections.
Junk, trash and refuse without regard to value must be completely removed from your property. This refers to any flammable large scale debris on your property, regardless of its value. These items include, but are not limited to, household furnishings, carpet, building materials etc. Any items on your property that typically do not belong outside or were not intended for outdoor use must be removed.
Pine needles and pinecones over 2” in depth must be removed from all areas of the property. Up to 2: of needles is allowed to prevent soil erosion.
Clear chimney or stove pipe area of vegetation within 10’. Prune or remove any tree limbs, brush or any other debris that is within 10’ radius of the chimney or stove pipe area.
Remove any foliage from the ground up to 6′ on any trees that are 12′ or taller. Remove resulting debris from your property completely.
Remove dead trees completely.
Thin dense groups of trees – (which are less than 4” in diameter) to provide a minimum spacing of 10’ from trunk to trunk.
Provide shrub spacing. Prune and/or remove shrubs to provide separation from ground and each other
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Weeds and grasses must be cut to no more than 4 inches in height throughout the property if less than five vacant/unimproved acres.
Combustible (flammable) debris must be completely removed from all areas of your property. This refers to ANY flammable junk, trash or debris that may be on your property, regardless of how it got there. Debris may include, but is not limited to, any paper trash, cardboard boxes, household trash, fabric/clothing, or piles of flammable yard waste.
Tumbleweeds (Russian Thistle) in the spring and early summer tumbleweeds appear to be healthy, slightly rounded, green bush. Their appearance changes in the heat of the summer from green to brown. Because of their shallow root system, the wind lifts and carries tumbleweeds, creating highly combustible masses of dried vegetation and causing serious concern for fire. Tumbleweeds must be completely removed from your property.
Junk, trash and refuse without regard to value must be completely removed from your property. This refers to any flammable large scale debris on your property regardless of its value. These items include, but are not limited to, household furnishings, carpet, building materials etc. Any items on your property that typically do not belong outside or were not intended for outdoor use must be removed.
Any tires, waste or not, must be removed or stored in an enclosed structure. Any tires on your property that are not currently mounted on a vehicle must be removed from your property or completely contained in an enclosed structure such as garage or storage shed.
Trim eucalyptus windrows from the ground up to 6’ and remove resulting debris. Any stand of three (3) or more eucalyptus trees constitutes a windrow. All foliage must be removed from these trees from the ground up to the 6’ level. Resulting debris must be completely removed from your property
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