Within the County of San Bernardino you will find a total of six (6) flood zones, their designations and requirements within the County of San Bernardino are as follows:

Zone “A”

These are Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) where flooding may be expected to occur at least once within a 100 (one-hundred) year period. All lenders must require borrowers to purchase and maintain flood insurance for Zone “A” properties.

A Project located within Flood Zone A will require the first floor to be elevated a minimum 2 feet above the natural highest adjacent ground in compliance with FEMA/SBC regulations. (Elevation Certificate is required.)

Zone “AE”

These are Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) where flooding may be expected to occur at least once within a 100 (one-hundred) year period. Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) are shown. All lenders must require borrowers to purchase and maintain flood insurance for Zone “AE” properties.

A Project located within Flood Zone AE will require the first floor to be elevated a minimum 1 foot above the highest known base flood elevation (BFE) in compliance with FEMA/SBC regulations. (Elevation Certificate is required.)

Zone “AO”

These are Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) subject to inundation by 1-percent-annual-chance shallow flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain) where average depths are between one and three feet. Average flood depths derived from detailed hydraulic analyses are shown in this zone. All lenders must require borrowers to purchase and maintain flood insurance for Zone “AO” properties.

A project located within Flood Zone AO will require the first floor to be elevated a minimum 1 foot above the known shallow flooding depth in compliance with FEMA/SBC regulations. (Elevation Certificate is required.)

Zone “X” Shaded

These are areas where flooding is “anticipated” once in 500 (five-hundred) years or, if more frequently, only to minimal depths. Flood insurance is not mandatory in these areas, but is available.

A Project located within Flood Zone X Shaded will require the first floor to be elevated a minimum 1 foot above the natural highest adjacent ground in compliance with SBC regulations.

Zone “X” Unshaded

This is the most desirable area, and requires no insurance.

There are no elevation requirements within this flood zone.

Zone “D”

These are areas which have not been studied and therefore requirements vary pending the scope, area and engineering for the project.

Special note: Floodways may be present, within zones A and AE, and are extremely hazardous areas- No Construction is permitted without the submission of a Hec-Ras analysis, prepared by a registered civil engineer,showing pre development and post development. Post development shall have no rise in water surface elevation. For more information on zones and requirements please see the Development Code section 82.14 or the FEMA website.